Mark Potter
Mark has over 30 years of practical experience as a qualified architect and his work has attracted
a number of awards, commendations and accolades.
He has a large portfolio of built projects across a wide variety of sectors over the 28 years of
being partner at Potter and Holmes. He also provides additional support to projects with contract
administration, development appraisals and project management.
His particular design strengths and interests lie in the delivery of solution for buildings with a
social purpose which include residential and advice centres for people with special needs.
Mark is an award winning UK car park design expert and has succeeded in positioning Potter &
Holmes as the designers of choice for commercial parking projects. His expertise has led him to
speak at a number of events including the Parking & Property Conference 2012 and the Parking
and Architecture Conference organised by the Architects Journal. He has a wide knowledge of
the multi-storey car park as a building type in the public realm from his experience within urban
regeneration projects.
Mark is a committee member of the Franco-British Union of Architects, a director of an affiliated
“We have a duty as human beings to tread softly on the ground we have been given, to use our resources efficiently and to inspire and delight where we can with our creativity”